360 Body Lift

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Houston and Katy, TX

A 360° body lift, also called a belt lipectomy, is a cosmetic surgery that involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the abdominal area, waistline, and lower back in a circumferential fashion. Those who have lost a massive amount of weight may wish to consider this procedure to define their newly attained contours and curves after weight loss. This highly customizable procedure tightens sagging skin and offers patients a means of feeling confident from all angles.

If you are ready to begin your new life with a more sculpted, athletic appearance, a 360 body lift can deliver the results you desire. No matter how you achieve your weight loss goals, you deserve to look and feel your best. To learn more about the transformative effects of this surgery, call Texas Surgical Arts in Houston, TX at (281) 579-5638. After a consultation with Dr. Ricardo Bonnor M.D., F.A.C.S, you will have a thorough idea if a 360 body lift is right for you. You can also reach his staff using our online form

Stretched Skin After Weight Loss

Stretched skin after losing a significant amount of weight can be extremely disheartening and difficult to hide. Individuals can experience the same feelings of self-consciousness and insecurity that were present when they were overweight. With excess skin, they are also met with irritation, chafing, and sagging skin that hides their slimmer form. The stretchy skin effect is not only due to the fat atrophy that accompanies weight loss; changes within the dermis of the skin itself also occur. The collagen fibers that keep the skin taut can degrade, and fewer and thinner fibers that remain are unable to sustain normal rigidity. Research shows that the skin of massive weight loss patients exhibits disorganized collagen and increased elastin, giving the skin a looser quality in which it is unable to recoil. (1) While some minimally invasive procedures can help tighten mildly lax skin, those who have lost over 100 lbs can only resolve their severe laxity with body lifts and other skin removal procedures.

Benefits of the 360 Body Lift

A belt lipectomy, another name for the 360 body lift, is one of the most comprehensive solutions for those with sagging skin in the lower half of the body. It is an intricate procedure that requires a three-dimensional approach that addresses everything from the lower abdomen to the lower back area. With such an incision, the surgery can resolve a variety of aesthetic issues by: 

  • Lifting the buttocks to support a more flattering, rounded shape
  • Reducing “saddlebag” tissues of the outer thighs
  • Sculpting the inner thigh area, eliminating chafing
  • Revealing a flatter midsection that is evenly sculpted from all angles
  • Creating a tighter, less dimpled appearance without unwanted folds and stretch marks

Body Lift with Liposuction

Dr. Bonnor will assess your body type and any individual pockets of fat to help you determine if you could benefit from liposuction, a minimally invasive method of removing fat before the skin removal aspect of the procedure. Liposuction can enhance the effects of a body lift by removing stubborn fat from the flanks, back, or medial thighs. For this minimally invasive part of the procedure, Dr. Bonnor will only have to make a few incisions of a centimeter or less in the targeted areas.


Though lower body lifts are most often performed for prospective patients who have lost a massive amount of weight, Dr. Bonnor can also customize the procedure to suit those who want to lift sagging skin as the result of the natural aging process or pregnancy. Dr. Bonnor will evaluate each patient on a case-by-case basis to ensure that a belt lipectomy is the most appropriate course of action. Sometimes, those with aging concerns or stretched abdominal skin from pregnancy may benefit more from a tummy tuck, a procedure that mostly addresses the front of the abdomen and includes techniques to repair separated abdominal muscles (diastasis recti). The best candidates for a body lift are those who have loose skin along the front side of the abdomen, sides, and lower back. Those with only fat in the lower torso and no lax skin may benefit most from lipo 360.

In general, patients should be in relatively good health, close to their ideal weight, and able to maintain a stable weight for at least a few months before their scheduled procedure date. (2) Dr. Bonnor will not perform the procedure for those with uncontrolled diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease. It is also not suitable for those with compromised immune systems. (3) Dr. Bonnor prefers non-smokers since they have a lower rate of developing complications, but he will consider those who commit to quitting for at least a few weeks during their preparation and recovery.


If Dr. Bonnor finds that you are a suitable candidate for the 360 body lift, he will walk you through the preparation steps required to promote a successful surgery and recovery. Beforehand, you will need to follow a healthy lifestyle with good nutrition and adequate exercise to give your body the tools it needs to heal optimally. Doing so will also keep you at a healthy weight to prevent future stretch marks and wider scarring from weight gain. If you are a smoker, you will need to quit about 4 to 6 weeks before and after your surgery. This will allow your vascularization to return to a more optimal state and improve the recovery process. Dr. Bonnor will also inform you beforehand which medications and/or supplements to avoid. Blood thinners like aspirin and ibuprofen, especially, can cause increased blood loss during the procedure, so you should avoid these.

In addition to these basic preparatory steps, Dr. Bonnor will evaluate the results of your recent blood tests to check for any issues that require addressing. He will also assess your heart rhythm and lung function with an electrocardiogram test and pulmonary function test. Though you should stop eating food from midnight before, you should be able to safely consume water until the morning of your procedure.

Body Lift with Liposuction 

Dr. Bonnor may recommend liposuction before your body lift if you have more fat deposits in the abdomen or flanks to sculpt a slimmer waistline. For this additional step to the body lift, he will begin by administering tumescent fluid in the targeted area, just under the skin. This solution will provide a numbing effect, limit blood loss, and help the fat separate from its surrounding tissues. He will then use a thin device called a cannula to suction these fatty areas, using it in back-and-forth movements to promote an evenly-contoured midsection. He will only need to make one or two incisions in the treatment area, and they are only about a centimeter in length, so it is a minimally invasive approach to enhance your results further. Though the 360 body lift can create a tighter look in the upper thighs, Dr. Bonnor will avoid performing liposuction on certain areas of the thighs since the fat in these areas tends to strongly adhere to the underlying fascia of muscle. (4)

Recovery and Results

Depending on the extent of the surgical changes, it may be an outpatient procedure, or you may require monitoring for a day or two immediately afterward. You will likely need about 2 weeks of downtime, but you should engage in light walks around your home to promote blood flow throughout the body. Dr. Bonnor will give you a compression garment to minimize swelling and protect the incisions. He will also provide medications to help prevent infection and keep you comfortable as you continue to heal. He will schedule follow-up appointments to see how your results continue to settle in and ensure that the tissue is healing correctly. You will likely be able to return to your usual exercise routine after about 12 weeks. After the one-year mark, your scars will have fully matured and faded quite significantly.

Cost of a 360 Body Lift in Houston

Dr. Bonnor will give you a breakdown of all the related costs during your consultation with him after he assesses your cosmetic needs and desires. If you wish, you can inquire about financing options through CareCredit to make your procedure more financially feasible.

To get started on your body contouring journey, call (281) 579-5638, fill out our contact form or visit Dr. Bonnor’s office in Houston.

Commonly Asked Questions (FAQ) 

Will I have lasting scars after a 360 body lift? 

You will have minor lasting scars after they fully mature 12 to 18 months after your procedure. They will appear much finer and lighter in color than they were initially. Your surgeon will place the incision in the lower abdominal area and just above the buttocks so that the waistband of underwear or a swimsuit can adequately hide it. 

Is recovery from a 360 body lift painful? 

The procedure itself is not painful, but the recovery can be uncomfortable. Your surgeon will recommend stronger medications for the first couple of days after your procedure, but you should be able to switch to a non-blood-thinning medication like acetaminophen relatively quickly. 

Are the results of a 360 body lift permanent?

A 360 body lift will provide permanent enhancements, but you may reverse these improvements if you gain weight. If you gain weight in the first year following your procedure, you may widen your scars. The natural aging process will result in some sagging over time, but you should expect quality long-term results so long as you maintain your weight. 

What activities should I avoid during recovery from a 360 body lift?

After a body lift, you should avoid lifting heavy objects, cardio, or bending your body in any way. You will be able to sit down carefully, and you should move around every few hours to aid blood circulation. Your surgeon will let you know when you can resume more strenuous activities. 


  1. Rocha RI, Junior WC, Modolin MLA, Takahashi GG, Caldini ETEG, Gemperli R. Skin Changes Due to Massive Weight Loss: Histological Changes and the Causes of the Limited Results of Contouring Surgeries. Obesity Surgery. 2021;31(4):1505-1513. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11695-020-05100-3 
  2. Aly, Al, and Melissa Mueller. “Circumferential Truncal Contouring.” Clinics in Plastic Surgery, vol. 41, no. 4, Oct. 2014, pp. 765–774, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cps.2014.06.008
  3. Mayo J, Cape JD. Belt Lipectomy. PubMed. Published 2024. Accessed June 19, 2024. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK604202/ 
  4. Bartow MJ, Raggio BS. Liposuction. PubMed. Published 2022. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK563135/