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Lipoabdominoplasty Dr. Bonnor, M.D., F.A.C.S.

Lipoabdominoplasty is a combination procedure that includes the application of both liposuction and abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) techniques. By combining these two procedures, patients can enjoy rejuvenating results that both slim their abdominal contours and tighten lax skin in this area. For surgeons, liposuction allows them to better determine how much skin to remove, sculpt the sides of the abdomen, and address stubborn fat deposits that do not respond to dietary changes or exercise.

A lipoabdominoplasty procedure can create the most beautiful results for the right candidates. If you feel that you could benefit from this comprehensive approach to body sculpting, get in touch with Dr. Bonnor, M.D., F.A.C.S..

Get started with your body rejuvenation goals at Texas Surgical Arts by calling (281) 579-5638 or inquire about a consultation by filling out his contact form.

The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery is dedicated exclusively to excellence in the specialty of cosmetic surgery. (PRNewsfoto/American Board of Cosmetic Surg)

The Components of Lipoabdominoplasty


Lipoabdominoplasty offers the best of both worlds: liposuction and a tummy tuck. Dr. Bonnor will first perform the liposuction portion of the procedure by anesthetizing a small region to make one or two minimally invasive incisions in the lower abdomen. If he finds that sculpting the waist will be more effective for the final outcome, he may make two incisions near each flank. Through these incisions, he will administer tumescent fluid, allowing the fat to engorge and separate from its surrounding connective tissues. This will also greatly minimize damage during the suction portion of the surgery and alter pain perception to reduce postoperative discomfort. The solution will also restrict blood loss, promoting greater safety.

Once this fluid fully settles in, Dr. Bonnor will insert a cannula, a thin instrument that relies on suction pressure to remove the targeted fat deposits. For this form of abdominal liposuction, he will avoid using a cannula larger than 4 mm, so any scarring will be extremely minimal and fade quite quickly. (1) After sculpting the tissue, or de-bulking, Dr. Bonnor will be able to perform the tummy tuck portion of the procedure with more precision.

Tummy Tuck

The tummy tuck procedure will begin with a lower abdominal incision from hip to hip. For those with minimal pinchable tissue, the incision may be a bit shorter. Using this opening, Dr. Bonnor will lift this section of abdominal tissue to reach the muscle layer, to apply sutures to correct these loosened and separated muscles- a condition called diastasis recti. Though it is harmless, it often develops as a result of carrying a baby or being obese, leading to an unwanted pooch of tissue unrelated to fat. After healing, the sutures will restore a tightened core, further improving the outcome. Dr. Bonnor will remove other deposits of fat not targeted by the liposuction. If necessary, he will make a small incision surrounding the navel, redrape the skin, and place the navel in a new location of skin while still keeping its natural positioning. After measuring the amount of excess skin, he will trim the excess and apply sutures to finish the procedure.

Who Can Benefit From A Lipoabdominoplasty?

Candidates for lipoabdominoplasty are in good overall health with underlying conditions well-managed, non-smokers, and close to their ideal body weight. The procedure is safe and effective for those who have a BMI under 35. Those with a higher BMI should aim to lose excess fat before undergoing this procedure, which is only meant to cosmetically enhance the abdomen, not serve as a weight-loss procedure. If you have sagging, drooping skin in this area of the body, this combined approach will be much more effective than just liposuction alone. Patients with diastasis recti or a hernia from pregnancy will also greatly benefit. Finally, lipoabdominoplasty is best suited for those with more circumferential fat development, such as on the flanks and lower back, not just a small amount of fat in the front of the abdomen. Those who underwent bariatric surgery should maintain a stable weight with a BMI under 30 for at least 3 months before considering this body contouring surgery. (2)

Benefits of Lipoabdominoplasty

  • Body contour improvements: A lipoabdominoplasty creates a smooth transition from the waistline to the hips and lower back, offering skin-tightening results as well as facilitating a more natural body shape around the abdomen.
  • Reduced abdominal fat: The liposuction techniques performed during lipoabdominoplasty can create a more toned appearance than with a tummy tuck alone.
  • Reduced need for surgical drains: By including liposuction and compression treatment post-procedure, Dr. Bonnor will not have to place surgical drains. This modification in the procedure does not raise the risk of seroma, or buildup of fluid under the skin of the treatment. (3)
  • Increased self-confidence: The procedure can help eliminate unwanted stretch marks, c-section scars, and bulges while also reducing the size of the navel, if necessary. These comprehensive changes help many individuals feel more comfortable showing their bodies and wearing the fashion they like.
  • Restored muscle tone: Permanent internal sutures restore the integrity and strength of the abdominal muscles, helping correct the issue of a protruding belly. This abdominal wall repair may include the correction of umbilical hernias, especially if they are asymptomatic. (4)
  • Highly customizable: Dr. Bonnor can recommend a standard tummy tuck, extended tummy tuck, or a mini tummy tuck technique with liposuction for the most personalized results that suit your unique needs.

How Can I Prepare for Lipoabdominoplasty?

In the days before your surgery, you should pick up your prescriptions. You should also make arrangements with a trusted individual so that you have a ride home from your procedure as well as some help with meals and chores during the first few days of your recovery. To make for a smooth transition into your recovery, you should prepare a comfortable, safe recovery space with some essentials, like water, snacks, and entertainment. Your mobility will be limited, so it is important to store important items within arm’s reach. Finally, you should aim to stay well-hydrated throughout your preparation period.

Cost of Lipoabdominoplasty in Houston

Lipoabdominoplasty Dr. Bonnor, M.D., F.A.C.S.

The cost of lipoabdominoplasty will depend on your unique treatment plan outlined by Dr. Bonnor. Financing options with CareCredit are also available at Texas Surgical Arts, so please apply if you are interested in making affordable payments.

If you are ready to make a dramatic, positive change in your appearance and confidence, request your lipoabdominoplasty consultation by calling (281) 579-5638 or using our contact form today. To explore more of our surgical options, you can visit Dr. Bonnor’s blog.

Commonly Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do I need a lipoabdominoplasty or liposuction?

A lipoabdominoplasty is best suited for patients with loose skin, stretch marks, and excessive folding in the abdomen. They may also have abdominal muscle damage or weakening. Liposuction is typically indicated for patients with minimal fat deposits without lax skin or weakened abdominal muscles.

When can I work out after a lipoabdominoplasty?

Patients typically can work out about six weeks into their recovery, after they gain clearance from their surgeon.

How can I minimize scarring after lipoabdominoplasty?

Though surgeons discreetly place incisions just above the pubic area, many patients are still concerned about scar care. There are quite a few ways to help heal the skin and minimize scarring as much as possible. Firstly, patients should adhere to all recovery instructions closely. Eating a nutritious diet rich in protein will provide the skin with the collagen it needs to remodel the scar. Patients can also apply scar cream and/or silicone gel to prevent the buildup of excess scar tissue.

Does lipoabdominoplasty have any risks?

The risks of lipoabdominoplasty include infection, hematoma (a form of bruising), blood clots, numbness, asymmetry, and unfavorable scarring. Surgeons can prevent many of these risks by performing on healthy candidates with an optimal BMI and taking other surgical precautions.


  1. Rangaswamy M. Lipoabdominoplasty: A versatile and safe technique for abdominal contouring. Indian journal of plastic surgery : official publication of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India. 2008;41(Suppl):S48-55.
  2. O’Kelly N, Nguyen K, Gibstein A, Bradley JP, Tanna N, Matarasso A. Standards and Trends in Lipoabdominoplasty. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open. 2020;8(10). doi:
  3. Epstein S, Epstein MA, Gutowski KA. Lipoabdominoplasty Without Drains or Progressive Tension Sutures: An Analysis of 100 Consecutive Patients. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 2015;35(4):434-440. doi:
  4. Zhitny VP, Young JP, Stile F. Recognition and repair of an incidental umbilical hernia repair during abdominoplasty. Annals of Medicine & Surgery. 2022;82. doi:
  5. JR Kanjoor, Singh AK. Lipoabdominoplasty: An exponential advantage for a consistently safe and aesthetic outcome. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2012;45(1):77-77. doi: