Neck / Chin Liposuction

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Houston and Katy, TX

American Board of Cosmetic Surgery

Chin / Jawline liposuction is a procedure in which fatty tissue around the chin and jawline is gently suctioned away in an effort to create a more contoured, sexy jawline and neck line. Led by Dr. R M Bonnor M.D, FACS,  we specialize in liposuction and cosmetic body contouring procedures. Contact us to set up a consultation. To reach us by phone, call (281) 579-5638


Liposuction is a fat removal procedure with the aim to contours the body, especially in those areas where stubborn pockets do not enhance your overall appearance. The chin is just such an area. Excess fat along the frontal  jawline is sometimes referred to as a double chin or “turkey neck” and it can add years to your appearance.

Removing fat from the chin is a very delicate process. It begins when Dr. Bonnor administers soothing tumescent liquid to the treatment area. This fluid contains lidocaine, which will numb the chin and neck in preparation for your procedure. Tumescent liquid also compresses your blood vessels to reduce the risk of bruising and bleeding.[1] The serves to soften stubborn fat deposits, allowing for aspiration by the liposuction cannula.  

Personal Consultation

You and a team member will go over your medical history.  Dr. Bonnor will inspect your neck, chin and jawline.  Some patients may require additional skin-tightening procedures in order to achieve a contoured and smooth jawline.[4] Other patients may be fortunate to have skin that naturally tightens into place after the fatty tissue is removed.  

Contact us to schedule your private consultation at Texas Surgical Arts. 

Call (281) 579-5638 to take the first step towards improving your profile.  


It is important to follow Dr. Bonnor’s individualized instructions when preparing for your surgery. Follow them for a smooth recovery and optimal results.[2] 

Prepare for Chin Liposuction

  • Avoid certain medications such as ibuprofen as well as other blood thinners because they can exacerbate bleeding during the procedure and hamper the body’s ability to heal 
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking because they can hamper the body’s natural healing abilities
  • Arrange a ride home because the procedure does involve anesthesia.


The entire procedure takes about an hour. First, Dr. Bonnor will administer local anesthesia to numb the neck and chin area. Then, a small slight incision at the base of the chin and behind each ear.[3] A hollow metal tube, called a cannula, will be inserted into these incisions so it may remove fatty tissue from the surgical site. Post procedure,  your chin will already start to look slimmer with a more defined, sexy jawline.


A special compression wrap will be given to you. You should wear it for the entirety of the first week and then at night of the second week.  Now, there may be slight bruising and swelling around the targeted area.  While sleeping, keep the neck supported with a pillow. This will help relax the muscles around the spine and loosen the muscles in the face, promoting efficient healing in the chin.


Chin Liposuction Houston

Chin liposuction directly removes fatty tissue from around the neck and jawline. Results will be evident right after the procedure. Results will continue to improve for a few months as your body heals and the swelling goes down. Your jawline will become more angular and chiseled, while any evidence of the old double chin will quickly fade away.  

Complementary Procedures 


FaceTite is a revolutionary advancement in non-invasive skin-tightening. It sends radiofrequency energy into a target area to tighten loose, saggy skin. It is a non-surgical solution for lax skin at the face caused by age, weight loss or both.


Our comprehensive lineup of injectable treatments offers our patients minimally invasive opportunities for aesthetic enhancement. These treatments bestow a bevy of benefits, from luscious lips to a livelier browline and even the eradication of crow’s feet around the eyes.  Botox as part of our  suite of injectables that can help give you a more rejuvenated, younger appearance. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When can I shower after chin liposuction?

Because of the compression headwrap that you will be given to wear after your procedure, you are permitted to shower 24 hours after your procedure. It is important that you do not work out or perform any strenuous activities as this may result in complications during the healing process. 

Will my double chin come back?

During the procedure, fat is removed from the chin, so that specific fat will never return. Many patients also report that seeing their results is great motivation to maintain their commitment to a healthy and active lifestyle.     


  1. Ziccardi, V. B. (2004). Basic technique of submental liposuction. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 62, 104–105.
  2. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. (2021). American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
  3. ‌Bellini, E., Grieco, M. P., & Raposio, E. (2017). A journey through liposuction and liposculpture: Review. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 24, 53–60.
  4. ‌Bhojwani, Amit. (2016). Addressing the “Double Chin:” Trends in Submental Contouring. Journal of Dermatology and Cosmetology. 1. 10.15406/jdc.2016.01.00002.